Project #740 - Uganda

Reaching Africa's Unreached (RAU)



Project Fully Funded

$ 23,327.00 / $ 12,472.00

Less than a mile from the South Sudan border, Reaching Africa’s Unreached works in the West Nile region of Uganda training pastors and church leaders at their 26-acre site. Their mission is to foster healthy growth among African churches and their leaders and to encourage them to be self-propagating, self-governing, and self-supporting.

RAU’s Ministry House provides comfortable accommodations for its missionaries and visiting teaching and medical teams. They recently added a living area to the home for a new missionary family, but the solar power that was previously installed in the house is not adequate for their electricity needs and they are “limping along” with this outdated system. Please join us in helping RAU get a Solar Power Upgrade so they can continue serving the church in Uganda!

The focus of our Spring Fundraiser Event is to raise funds for this project.  This event will be held on Saturday, April 27th from 10am – 12pm at Chelten – a church of hope (1601 Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA). If you wish to donate, please write the Project # on the memo line of your check or click on the Donate Now button above!

**UPDATE – Thank you to all who participated in our fundraiser for RAU!! We are blown away by your response and want to let everyone know that we have received the funds needed to close this project. Any gifts given over this amount will be distributed among some of our other projects. THANK YOU again and may God bless you!