Project #744 - Pakistan



Media Equipment

Project Fully Funded

$ 5,390.00 / $ 5,390.00

The ministry of PAK7 reaches out to the roughly two percent of Christians living in Pakistan by making high-quality, theological videos. They train young men and women at their own 9-week Media School and then take them on for a 12-month internship. Through satellite and social media, PAK7 is reaching out to men, women, and children in different cultures and multiple languages in the Middle East.

MPF is raising funds for media equipment for their TV studio that will assist in action shots and editing programs for their 24-hour satellite TV channel. They already have nearly 70 million views on their social media posts. Would you like to help encourage them even more with this new equipment?

Equipment needed: CRANE 3S Handheld Stabilizer $2,140 and Apple MacBook Air $3,250